
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Holiday Special - The Summoning of Gobblox
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
It's a bomBARDed Thanksgiving special! The bards are back in Beln to play at a celebratory feast. However, the day before their performance, things go quite fowl.
We had a blast doing this one-off holiday special, and we hope you enjoy it as well. We also made Kyle's notes for the March of the Toys one-off we did last year available on our website HERE. The next episode in the regular storyline (Ep. 27) will be out on December 4th, so until then, enjoy this Thanksgiving-themed special!

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Ep. 26 - One, Two, Tree
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
The bards branch off the road into the Discordant Fields. You won’t beleaf what they find!

Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Ep. 25 - Spillin' and Grillin'
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
The bards learn more about their next assignment from Alola and get ready to hit the road. But before they leave, they apparently have a lot of unpacking to do.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter ( @bombardedcast ) and retweet the tweet about this episode to be entered in our Bard Bucks giveaway! Next episode we will choose two listeners who will win $30 to the BomBARDed Threadless Shop or RedBubble Shop. Also, next week on October 30th, we will be releasing the "Bards on Board" EP we made while on the road to Virginia on our bandcamp page.
Thanks for listening, everyone!

Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Bards On Board - Our Trip to GEXCon
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
When bards hit the road, they write traveling tunes on their journey, and that's exactly what we did in this special edition of BomBARDed! We set out from Texas to GEXCon in Virginia this past September, and we chronicled our trip by writing and recording a song for each state we passed through along the way (six songs in all). So buckle your seatbelt, grab your snacks, and sit back and enjoy some bards on board as we play our way across the country!
Don't forget to check out all of the music we have made for the show at http://bombarded.bandcamp.com and for even more BomBARDed, you can visit http://bombardedcast.com.
We're also doing a giveaway next episode, so tune in for details on how to enter!

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
OST Vol 2 Announcement / Bonus Song
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
"OST Vol 2" is now available at bombarded.bandcamp.com and includes selections from the backing tracks that Spurrier composed for episodes 11-20 of the show. Feel free to use them in whatever game you're playing (especially if it's in a desert or cave setting - we had a lot of music centered around those themes this time around!), or just jam to them whenever! We hope you enjoy and thanks for listening!
Album Artwork by Corinne Caro ( @amiamihan )
Don't forget to check out everything else we have ot offer at bombardedcast.com!

Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Ep. 24 - Swords, Whispers, and Glamour
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Our three bards are on their own with their specialized instructors. Will they be able to meet the expectations of their chosen colleges? Tune in to find out!
The bomBARDed OST Vol 2 is going to be released next Tuesday, October 2! Hooray! You'll be able to find that (and Chaos Sauce Vol 2, which we just released last Tuesday) at http://bombarded.bandcamp.com, and check out everything else we have to offer at http://bombardedcast.com

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Album Announcement / Bonus Song
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
"Chaos Sauce Vol 2" is now available at bombarded.bandcamp.com! It includes the second grouping of the original songs that we made as Chaos Sauce in episodes 11-20 of bomBARDed, as well as the song of rest we made for Spurrier while he was out. We put together a quick announcement for it that includes info about the album and about what we're doing in the coming months, as well as a random song generated with the drum dice and performed by Goody. We hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Ep. 23 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. VI
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
The bards are in Greenspire’s office again, but this time for an entirely different reason. Something about choosing a bard college to specialize in and learning new skills? What could Strumlott have in store for Chaos Sauce? Tune in to find out!
Chaos Sauce Vol. 2 is going to be released next week on September 18 on bombarded.bandcamp.com, so be sure to check that out when it drops! The bomBARDed OST Vol. 2 is also in production, and we will be releasing that on October 2. Huzzah!

Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Ep. 22 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. V
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Bed Races! Time Signatures! Hair! Stargazing! More Hair! The bards learn some new ways to get with the beat and have some serious fun in some of the other activities at Strumlotts. School Spirit! Bard! Fight! Win!
Again, we're all going to be at GEXCON on September 1st, and here is a rough schedule of what we're going to be up to: Kyle's DM'ing a one-shot at 10am, we're all going to be doing a panel at noon, and right afterwards at 1pm we're going to host a meet and greet for anyone who'd like to come and say hi! For up-to-date info, follow us on social media at @bombardedcast and check out GEXCON's website. Cya there!
Also, Chaos Sauce Vol 2 is going to be released on Sept 18, and the bomBARDed OST Vol 2 is going to be released on Oct 2! Huzzah!

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Ep. 21 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. IV
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Back to school! The bards run into a host of familiar faces at Strumlotts, but not before Raz’ul is faced with a piece of his past.
Big news - We're all going to be at GEXCON from August 31 - September 2! There are going to be a few events that we're taking part in over the weekend, and if you'd like to come and say hi to us, we're hosting a little get-together in one of the ballrooms late Saturday afternoon. We'll be posting more deatils as the date draws closer, but for up-to-date info, follow us on social media at @bombardedcast and check out GEXCON's website.