
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Ep. 40 - Randy's Return, Mvt. I
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Randy’s back home, so you know what that means - killing time with Corinne before assessing the state of the Hemphills.
The next episode that will go up in our feed is going to be another round of bardlibs, so if you've got any nouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc that you'd like for us to use, send them to bombardedcast at gmail dot com, or just use #bardlibs on twitter to submit them to us!
Also, it's the 3rd episode of the month, so it's time for another giveaway! Retweet the tweet for this episode and follow us on twitter (@bombardedcast) to be entered to win $30 bard bucks to spend in our online stores! We will announce the winners next episode, so stay tuned!
We're heading to Gen Con this week, so if you're going to be in Indy, we'll cya there! Thanks for listening everyone!

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
DnD Live 2019 Show with The Cocktail Crew
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Hey everyone! Here is the live show Kyle did at the DnD Live 2019 event with The Cocktail Crew! An excellent time was had adventuring through Avernus, so we hope you enjoy the show! Next episode (Ep 40) will be out on July 30th. Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Ep. 39 - Hustlin' to the Hemphills
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
The bards and Orfell prep to hit the road headed to the Hemphills. They converse while they traverse, but could a bird get there first?

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
DnD Live 2019 Show with Greetings, Adventurers!
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Hey everyone! Here is the live show Goodrich did at the DnD Live 2019 event with our friends over at "Greetings, Adventures!" (formerly Drunks & Dragons). They had an absolute blast adventuring around Avernus together, and we hope you enjoy the show! Next episode (Ep 39) will be out on July 2nd!

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Ep. 38 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. VIII
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
The bards get some grub with Orfell and Tabitha in Legno Land! They are treated to a fairly wild magic show and then Randy gets a special delivery.
Don't forget - if you are going to Gen Con and want to come see our live performance, you can get tickets HERE. Thanks for listening, everyone!

Tuesday May 21, 2019
Ep. 37 - Getting Schooled, Mvt. VII
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Strumlott’s receives some outside help putting things back in order while the bards work to get their own business back to normal. Well, whatever normal is for bards....guess it’s relative.
Kyle and Goodrich are back from D&D Live 2019, and below are the links to the streams they did!
Goodrich's stream with Drunks & Dragons (Greetings, Adventurers)
Kyle's stream with The Cocktail Crew
Also, we're going to be at Gen Con 2019 this year! The show we're doing has sold out, but we will still be wandering around the con if you'd like to come and say hi and hang out with us. And as always, thanks for listening!

Tuesday May 07, 2019
Ep. 36 - Ooze Clues
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
The bards are in a sticky situation as they are face-to-goo with a large purple ooze in the basement. And that ooze has got tabs on Tabs!
Kyle and Goodrich are going to be at D&D Live this year in LA! Kyle's session is going to be at 4pm on Sunday May 19, and Goody's will be at 9am on May 19 (And you can view both at twitch.tv/dndlive2). Check out the schedule of events to see who else is going to be there, and get ready for a weekend full of D&D!

Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Ep. 35 - Getting to the Bottom of Things
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Chaos Sauce ft. Tabitha plan to check out the basement, but first they have a sizable problem to overcome. Listen in to find out if they can measure up to the task ahead of them!
Don't forget that both Chaos Sauce Vol 3 and OST Vol 3 are both out on our bandcamp page, and are available for streaming or a pay-what-you-want download. Also, Kyle and Goodrich are going to be guesting at D&D Live this year in LA! Huzzah!Be sure to check out all of the other guests who will be attending, and as always, thanks for listening!

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
OST Vol 3 Announcement / Bonus Song
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
"OST Vol 3" is now available at bombarded.bandcamp.com and includes selections from the backing tracks that Spurrier composed for episodes 21-30 of the show. Feel free to use them in whatever game you're playing, or just jam to them whenever! We hope you enjoy and thanks for listening!
Album Artwork by Jeremy Adams ( @jeremyadamsink / adamsink.ink )
Don't forget to check out everything else we have ot offer at bombardedcast.com!

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Ep. 34 - Everyone Plays Apart
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
The bards have parted ways to rescue the person in the cafetorium...or steal hair? Who really knows anymore. Hopefully they can bring it all together in the end!
OST Vol 3 is going to be released next week on April 16th! Also, if you haven't checked it out yet, Chaos Sauce Vol 3 is out right now at bombarded.bandcamp.com, so head on over to pick those up if you'd like. Thanks for listening!